i asked him to a dance (girls choice) and he said yes... we went, but he wouldn't slow dance...
i was thinking about asking him out by taking his phone and changing the greeting to ';will you go out with me?'; but im shy and afraid he'll say no... and i couldn't figure out how to change his greeting...
my friend said that everyday he hangs out with them after 1st period (same class) and ALWAYS asks where i am and once they say they don't know, he just walks off... last night and the night before he had me log in as him in 2 of his accounts to do something for him.. i've had him check my grades... so we trust each other...
my friend thinks that he denied liking me and didn't slow dance with me cuz he wants it just between us two, and not our friends...
my mom doesn't think i should ask him out. she thinks he should cuz he's the guy... but if i wait, i don't think he'll ever ask me out cuz he's really shy and has never dated before... what should i do?!What should i do? im pretty sure he likes me...?
He's just being insecure. He is new to these feelings and afraid how to act. He doesn't want to look like an idiot or do something wrong. He's afraid of the first kiss and will he do it right. Maybe he's afraid of his parents knowing he likes girls.
It seems obvious that he likes you. But, you already answered your own question: ';He's shy';.What should i do? im pretty sure he likes me...?
call him and ASK HIM OUT NOW!
im serious do it
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