Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Get a girl to dance with you?

askHow To Get a girl to dance with you?
Alright, everyone is saying ';Just ask her'; but I can understand how diffucult it can be!! So I'll give you some advice. First off, the situation can vary depending on wether you know the girl or not.

If you know her, or have known her for a while, it can be more ackward because if you get rejected, you will still have to face her daily or weekly, depending on your situation. So go up to her, and dance near her, then bump into her gently. Show your caring side and deeply apologize. Then get her a drink to make up for it. When you give her your drink, make eye contact. Then compliment her, such as saying she has beautiful eyes or something. If she's freaked out, don't continue, but if she says ';Thanks'; flirtily, go on. Say ';Would you care to dance together?';

If you do not know her, just ask her, because chances are, you'll never see her again!!!

Hope I helped :)))How To Get a girl to dance with you?
ok it sounds hard, but it is. all you have to do is ask her. if she is a girl that likes you his will be easy. if she doesn't mind you its a little hard but you can still do it! if she has a boyfriend don't ask. if she says no, what is there to lose? ask another girl.
just ask her. I mean it's just a dance. The worst that could happen is her saying no. Just take a chance :D
How's this for a shocking concept? You ask! Dance etiquette, which it seems few people know any more, is such that people ask others to dance, and the person asked generally should accept, unless there's some very good reason for a ';rain check.'; As a derivative of that rule, it would be very rude for a girl to turn you down and dance with somebody else during that song. The etiquette should have the effect of removing the fear of rejection, and if she's rude, you probably didn't want to dance with her anyway.
You don't get her to dance with you, you invite her to dance with you. After that, it's up to her whether to accept or not.

To improve your chances, be polite, clean, and friendly.And remember, if she declines your invitation it's not even likely that you did anything wrong. She may have a:

o boyfriend

o broken toe

o balance disorder

o bad attitude

And that's just the stuff that starts with B.

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