Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do i ask a girl to dance with me at a school dance?

Middle school dance. I'm not sure what to say.. and i think she'll probably say no.. I'm in 7th grade.How do i ask a girl to dance with me at a school dance?
';Would you like to dance with me?'; Is it that hard? If she says no, oh well. There are plenty of girls there. Sometimes you will get all no, sometimes you will get all yes, sometimes you will get in-between. Rejection is part of life and you move forward when you do.How do i ask a girl to dance with me at a school dance?
Just go up to a girl and say hello beautiful would you like to dance? haha works everytime ahaha or like say hi, wanna dance? its pretty simple
at dances ppl nvr turn u down so just go for it and if they say no then just move on cuz they rnt worth it

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