Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to ask a girl to dance?

I am very shy, especially around girls. When a girl talks to me at a dance or something I get all nervous and can't think straight. Anyway, there's this girl who is incredibly beautiful. I want to ask her to dance, but she is obviously a popular girl and I have never actually asked a girl to dance.

Also, I belong to a country club. The girl belongs to the same country club, and we see each other while playing tennis. But, our parents are good friends and my mom has been friends with her mom's cousin (I think) since high school. Is this too awkward of a situation and I should just bail out, or should I try, but how? I need help plz.How to ask a girl to dance?
as a girl...we ALWAYS want the guy to ask us first.

as scary as it might be, you HAVE to go up to her and ask her. try not to afraid, the worst that will happen is she will say no. but rejection is not a bad thing. everyone gets rejected and it should NEVER be taken personal. in fact, it will give u the courage to ask more girls out later on. just get the guts to ask her to dance, you have nothing to lose!

good luck! i hope she says yes!!!How to ask a girl to dance?
if i were you i would catch her after school with a rose or something to spice things up, then casualy ask her dont like blurt it out because then she might get frightend ha ha, just say ';um so i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the dance with me?'; then give her the rose...

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walk n talk
You go up and ask her will you do me the honor of dancing with me and she just might say yes.
Go For It!!! The worst thing that can happpen would be that she turns you down.
before the dance joke with her and tell her she better save a dance for you that way she knows you want to dance predance
dude act like you got a pair and ask them its easy
talk to her at your country club. you obviously have something in common, so yeah go for it! just be cool about it. dont freak. she will totally remember you if you set a good impression.
Maybe you should ask her out to coffee or a soda first maybe easier for you that way

but if you want a dance you go and ask her if you can have this dance if she says no do not always give up some dont like to dance ask her if you could buy her a drink and talk to her a bit
well to ask the girl to dance is one thing, regardless of how you know each other. but yea anything else, like an actual relationship, i would steer well clear of because of the awkwardness.
Yea ask her! Don't be nervous and just walk up to her and ask her if she would like to dance. I'm sure she will say yes!

I hope this helps =)
lol ok maybe you could turn your brain to 1/4 power and use it only to make sure you dont say anything like hey lets bang. and then just walk up, hold out your hand and say ';wanna dance?'; take her hand and lead her out. or if she is dancing with someone else just say the overly cliche line ';may i have this dance?';
ask her to a game of tennis to break the ice and from there just talk to her
Time to grow some. Maybe you should ask her to play a game of tennis. You will get to know her and become a little more comfortable around her. You will definitely find out if she thinks shes better than you. Whats the worst that can happen, she says no. At least you can move on.
Be a man and go for what you want. If she says ';NO';, what harm does it really do you? Just walk up to her as confident as you can and ask her to dance. It's that simple.

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