Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do i dance with a guy!?!?!?!?

so i kno how to slow dance with a guy and everything. but how do i dance with them fast. and i dont really like to grind all that much. and i kno my bf doesnt kno how to dance with girls either (fast dance) lol. im sorta in a pickle. help?How do i dance with a guy!?!?!?!?
Take it from a girl who LOVES to go dancing...

Here's how I do it:

First tip: When you're slow dancing, it's okay to be close! It's nice! But when you're dancing to a fast song, you're just going to trip each other up trying to maneuver quickly.

Give each other a bit of space to work it, and you'll find that you're much better off!

Second tip: When you're dancing to faster music, unless you're doing a specific DANCE (tango, swing, salsa,etc, where the steps are measured off, you're really dancing NEAR each other, not necessarily WITH each other... Remember the 12 inch ruler from middle school dances? It applies here. Keeping a bit of distance gives you the freedom of movement you need to dance and also allows you the distance needed to strike up the attraction that comes from watching your partner dance just for you!

That said, you are dancing FOR and WITH each other... that's the fun of it, right? Dance and keep eye contact, mirror each others moves so that you don't bump into one another, and maybe sneak in close every now and then for a snuggle! Dancing is a joyful bodily expression of the mind's emotion and response to music! Enjoy it!

Biggest tip: WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOUR DANCE STYLE???? Get comfortable with each other moving around each other, and you'll be able to dance together as soon as you relax and start having fun! With dancing ';energy'; is half the battle... you'll see some goofy guy just completely off beat, but he's having a GREAT TIME and doesn't really care that he looks like he might be having a seizure... can you knock him for it?

As for structured dances, taking dance lessons is a great way to learn some fun ways to spice up your club routine, and it also can help make you closer as a couple... YES, you will have to drag him there unless he's the best guy EVER and just shows up with dance lessons for 2 on Valentines day or something (take a lesson guys!)

But chances are when he realizes that this is an excuse to throw his arms around you... he'll come around! You can use swing moves in the club, as well as salsa moves!

Now, that you're dancing next to each other, comfortable, doing spins and twirls, what's to stop that drunk rude guy who's like 15 years older than you from cutting in and starting a fight??? Yeah, the one reading this right now... we hate that guys... don't cut in unless you're asked...

The answer is the spin-block...

If he's a butt-man (tries to get behind you so he can do the people version of hump your leg) then turn so that your SIDE is towards him each time he tries to cut in... try to give YOUR man lots of eye contact and smiles while you're doing this to let Loser Pete know he's NOT WELCOME. After 2 or 3 spins they usually get the hint.

Now if he's a ';Breath man'; (thought I was gonna say something else, huh? But it's the guys who get you with KILLER STALE BEER CIGARETTE breath I'm talking about... the ones DETERMINED to at least get their witty, timely pickup line out before they leave you alone to party even when they see you happily dancing with your guy) the tactic to get rid of him is the same, only leave him no opportunity to get in your face. Every time he tries to cut in, sometimes even attempting to grab on to your wrist or shoulder to turn you to smell his fetid orifice (THIS SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED AND YOU CAN ESCALATE TO BODY BUMPS-I'll explain those next) you simply turn your body half a turn so that he's talking to the back of your head... again, 2 or 3 times works for the average guy, and he moves on to find easier prey.

If you're with a girl friend at the club, these maneuvers can be used to save her from dancing with a stalker guy too... just turn her away from him continuously as you dance... dance with each other, and box him out! It's a lot like basketball.

Now, If he WON'T go away (this is assault if he happens to fall and break something but I do it all the time with impunity because even the bouncers usually want that sort of guy gone... so... use with care) It's time for a body bump. You do a turn, and casually dancing to the music you throw an elbow as hard as you can into his a) squishy middle parts, b) spine or c) his own elbow if you can stand the pain that might cause YOU... This can be done as a body-check maneuver as well to clear space on the dance floor when needed... Everyone is moving, and your hip thrown with significant force at his hip will send the unwanted guy reeling off into the crowd... peace at last! By the time you need these maneuvers, the offender is WAY too drunk to even know who body checked him into the bar and got him ejected lol!

Well, that's pretty much everything I know about dancing in the clubs (except for raves, and that's a whole other topic lol!) I hope that helps you with dancing (and NOT dancing) with guys lol!

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