Sunday, November 14, 2010

In a teen dance, how do i get a girl to dance with me?

i just see other boys go up behind any girl and start dancing and next thing you know, the girls grinding all over him...In a teen dance, how do i get a girl to dance with me?
Shower, shave (if you need to), wear deodorant, and dress nicely. You also should work on some dance moves before hand. When you're there, ask a girl to dance with you. In a teen dance, how do i get a girl to dance with me?
depends on where you are. If its in a pub or bar, do like what other boys do- go up behind and start dancing. If its in like err...more formal place(put it this way) .ask the girl.
hey dude, its all about confidence matey. just have fun and dance as badly (but confidently showing ur having careless fun) as you want. and cos if your having fun any girl will want to hav fun too!
you just gotta have a little confidence in yourself and be like ';sup ladies? who wants to dance with me?';... girls love confidence.
be a gentleman. girls always love the nice guy. :)
ew. grinding is trashy.

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