I know it sounds like a dumb question but ive never been to one before. I know some guys usally are behind the girl with their hands on her hips and just rock to the beat. Is that how to do it?
Im from a more surburban area, but with urban people. so theres gonna be hip hop, r%26amp;b, reggae, and reggaeton playing
thanksIm goin to a party soon and i never been to one before. How do i dance with a girl?
stand in front of her (face each other) and place your hands on her hips and shell put her arms around ur neck (if feels great :) then move left and right over and over again. to it to the beat. nothign to it
just put ur amrs around her a sway left and right. DO NOT STEP ON HER FEET!!!! ull see how easy it is when u actually do it, trust me dont sweatIm goin to a party soon and i never been to one before. How do i dance with a girl?
What are ';urban people';?
watch and learn
Just be smooth and have fun don't be 2 nervous just go with her body (unless she can't dance then your screwed) have fun!!!!!!!!!
plz answer mine:
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