I want to ask a Girl in school to go to the home coming dance with me, but i want to ask her in Russian b/c her 1st language is Russian and I think that would be so much more sweeter. So can anyone tell me how to ask in Russian? But I would a need it in a english format so I can sound it out. Can you please help me?How do you as a girl to a dance in Russian?
Russian doesn't really have a term for a homecoming dance - I think that's a uniquely American tradition. So you might say --
Ya ha-CHOO pree-gla-SEET teb-YA na homecoming. (I would like to invite you to homecoming.)
Ya ha-CHOO pree-gla-SEET teb-YA na bal. (I would like to invite you to the ball.)
Good luck!How do you as a girl to a dance in Russian?
ya VEE-dih ka-RO-va
its prununciation btw. Youre welcome
I don't no and i dont want to waste your time but can you just ask at least differint people how to do that because one person could be lying and that would be pretty embarrasing for you so just make sure.
If u want to ask a girl to come dancing with you somewhere then you can say:
- Ya hochu (stress on ';u';) priglasit' (strees on 2nd ';i';) tebia (strees on ';i';) na tanez (strees on ';a';) - I wanna invite you to have a dance with me.
-Ya hochu priglasit' tebia potanzevat' (strees on 2nd ';a';) so mnoi (strees on ';o';) u menia (strees on ';ia';) doma (strees on ';a';) - I wanna invite to my place to have some dancing with u.
If these sentences dont suit you then you can try writing more concrete phrase in english, ill translate them for u.
good luck :)
i speak russian too,
YA haaCHuu priglaseett tebya na tanetz
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