Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do i ask a girl to dance without being so nervous?

there is this girl who want dance with at the dance but i am always to nervous to ask herHow do i ask a girl to dance without being so nervous?
Do it! Be brave, cause if you don't do it, then you never know what could have been. I bet you'll get the answer you're looking for ;) Good luck!How do i ask a girl to dance without being so nervous?
write a letter
act like your the s h i t and no one can get in the way of what you want be cofindent
Just try and relax, girls love a chilled dude. Just be yourself, and everything will go according to plan.
Just do it be nice and say ';Hey (Name), do you wanna go to the dance with me, it's cool if you don't want to.';

Answer mine?;鈥?/a>
Welcome to the rest of the world. Suck it up and ask. Most of the time girls will say yes cause they are nervous too.
breathe and relax
just say ';I see you checking me out'; if her reaction is negative, laugh, if her reaction is positive, dance with er, its like asking her to dance without her knowing.
Just ask her! Take a leap of faith I guess.

Answer mine Please;鈥?/a>
Just do it! The first time is always the hardest, but after that it is much easier.
Here it easier than you think say want to dance then the magic words please
just do it !
Hey do wanna dance because you look like you wanna dance. No okay ill just stand over there if you change your mind
When you get to the dance, say hi and tell her she looks great. Then go about your own business for a few dances. When you ask her to dance later, she will remember the sweet compliment you gave her and she will say yes.

Just come right out and ask her to dance. If she refuses its her loss.

You should not be nervous just because she may say no.

Good Luck
Okay don't write a letter first of all!

If you like her that much ask her if she has a date, and if she does not ask her if she wool like to go with you.
Awe that's sweet.

Honestly just take a deep breath and ask her....and remember, she is probably as nervous as you are.

Even if she says no, don't get discouraged and ask a friend to dance. She may be afraid you will stomp on her feet :) so if she says no and then sees you dancing with a friend then I would say it's okay to ask only once more.

I would go over to her again and ask her if she is sure that she does not want to dance.

Keep in mind she may still say no, especially if she is unsure of herself. Just be sure to smile and listen to her wishes if she says no.

Unless you are 100 years old you will always have other chances.
Just say';may I';.....sweet!!!!
it's just a girl man, just ask
Hey, I'm a girl, 15 years old. So chances are, i'll be right. lol. Anyways, I think a perfect way to ask a girl to a dance would be to first off just start off a conversation with her. Bring up the dance, ask her if shes going.

- If she says yes, play if off. Be cool about it, and DON'T bring up that you were going to ask her to the dance.

-If she says no, then this is the time when you ask her if she would like to go with you.

don't be nervous. everything should go according to plan.

Ohh, and have fun at the dance!!
Go tell her you think she's a ******* flower. and pretty, and ya know that kinda ****. Then be like BAM 'I'd like to go to the dance with you'. You'll be nervous, but expect that. It'll be ok.
just come up to her....nothing beats a confident guy. when i used to go to school dances, i always danced with the guys who had the guts to come up to me...even though they were not the best-looking but they always won me over....i also thought it was cute how nervous they were, but i had more fun dancing with them than with the ones that everyone wanted to dance with. also when you dance with her, just act like you own the dancefloor....sweep her off her feet! goodluck =]

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