Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Going to a Halloween party/ball...?

I am a guy going to a Halloween party/Ball, dressed as a Deb (Debutante) girl. This is meant to be just fun ok. But my sister said I should practice dancing girl steps too as she thinks at least one guy (a friend of hers that she is putting up to this) will want to dance with me LOL. How different are the girl steps from guys? How do girls dance - ball type dancing? Is there anywhere I can learn the steps without classes?Going to a Halloween party/ball...?
I shall be attending a Samhuin party where we shall be slaying a goat and dancing naked. However, for amateurs like yourself, who do not quite grasp the concept of the end of the Light Year and coming of the Dark Year, with ghosts rising to meet amicably with there still living relatives and friends, I am glad to offer you some modern advice.

In dancing, the man generally 'leads', and your steps as such echo his. It's quite biased, because you have to move backwards, whilst the simpler minded man moves in the direction he faces.

Try learning the Waltz and Two-step, they're the easiest. Simply google them!

If it transpires that you enjoy cross-dressing, you can always learn more complicated dancing later. Personally I find debs to be extremely frightening, so good costume choice, but if the 'do' is at a posh hotel you may have trouble getting into the Gents toilet!

Have fun, and if you get the chance to slaughter a goat and smear the blood all over yourself, it won't do you any harm ( Ignore Stephen Kings 'Carrie', what does he know?).Going to a Halloween party/ball...?
Go rent some dancing movies ie Dirty Dancing and others

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